Sunday 23 September 2012

Sunday wishlist #1

Blimey it’s Sunday again! I’ve got loads to read before my lecture tomorrow morning but I haven’t really gotten round to it yet.  I much prefer to crumble up in bed with a cuppa tea and make a list of all the things I’d buy if I had the money. This week I want some new brushes, let’s face it you can’t have too many brushes! Also, I’d like some bronzer, lipstick, bottom lash mascara, a luxurious foundation and the perfume I have my eyes set on at the moment, Burberry Body!

Pictures from and


Well hello there! Since I was about 16 I’ve had quite a few different blogs. They have all been personal, diary-like blogs but now, when I’ve reached the astonishing age of 20, I’ve decided that I want to have a blog fully dedicated to, oh yeah, makeup (and stuff like that).

So, who am I? When I was born my parents decided to name me Charlotta which I haven’t been too fond of if I am to be honest. I was born in the glorious city of Örebro in Sweden and raised in a tiny village a few miles away. Since then I’ve managed to graduate school, move to London and move back to Sweden and now I’m at university.

The name of my blog is the result of my bad imagination. I wanted something quite unique but what? All the good names are already taken. So here’s my fab explanation: Lottie is because my Nan’s nickname for me is Lotta and my friends call me Charlie and if you combine these two you get, that’s right, Lottie. Charlotta means “free man” and when I think of something free I think of birds and then blue just so happens to be my favourite colour. And there it is, Lottie Bluebird.

Now I think I’ve rambled on for quite a while and if you’re still reading this, I applaud you. Thanks for now and next time I shall be back with a post about some makeup goodies.